

Our school has a positive and pro-active ethos which places high value on attendance and punctuality, as well as valuing its partnership with parents/carers to promote good attendance.

Absence From School

If your child will be absent from school, we ask that the parent/carer contacts school before 9.30am. The reason for the absence, as well as the expected date of return, should be given. If the date of return is unknown, then regular contact with the school is required until the child returns to school.

When deciding if your child is too ill to attend school, please refer the NHS website:

Holiday’s within Term Time

All requests for holidays within term time must be submitted via a leave of absence form.  This is required for all children from Reception upwards, including those who are non-statutory school age.

Holidays in term time can only be agreed by Miss Bill, the Headteacher.  She will consider each absence application individually, although our policy has to be to NOT grant leave of absence during term time, other than in the most exceptional circumstances.

Attendance Policy