

At Chalton Lower we teach phonics using Twinkl Phonics across the whole school.  At the end of year 1 pupils take the phonics test.  A repeat test will be completed at the end of year 2 should any child not achieve the required standard.  

For more information on Twinkl Phonics please see here

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar [SPAG]

We have specific lessons and times when we teach key grammar and punctuation skills.  Children are also given spellings to practise each week.


We use a range of reading schemes – Story World, Oxford Reading Tree, Project X, Jelly and Bean and Twinkl Phonics.  However we also use a variety of other approaches to develop the child’s reading skills, such as Giglets online reading scheme.

We very much value the parental help we receive in hearing your child read at home.  This makes a real contribution to the children’s progress.

We always welcome parent volunteers to hear children read in school.


The children are taught and encouraged to write across all curriculum subjects.  Specifically in English lessons, teachers use carefully chosen fiction and non-fiction text as a stimulus for writing, which enhance and compliment our half termly topics. At Chalton Lower School we use the Letter-Join Handwriting scheme to support the children’s handwriting development. In Nursery and Reception we focus on the correct formation of letters. From Year 1 upwards we begin to teach the children cursive handwriting.

English and Language Development

High priority is given to language development as this is the key to formulating and communicating ideas and concepts.   Children are encouraged to ;

Describe, explain and sustain a dialogue

Develop fluency and coherence in speech

Develop comprehension and understanding using creative approaches such as drama

Develop listening skills

Be aware of the importance of literature

Participate actively in simple discussion

Initiate conversation

For more information about the English National Curriculum, please click here