Sports Premium Funding

PE and Sport Premium Impact Review 2021-2022

PE and Sport Premium Impact Review 2022-2023

PE and Sport Premium Impact Review 2023-2024

PE Plan 2022 – 2023

PE Plan 2023 – 2024

PE Plan 2024 – 2025

Sports and PE Grant 2023-2024

Chalton Lower  School receives an annual Sport and PE Grant from the government to help maintain and develop physical education and sport in schools.

The funding is based on a lump sum plus an amount based on the number of keystage 1 and 2 pupils on the 2023 January Census.  For 2023-2024 [September to August] the grant for Chalton Lower School will be approximately £16,473.

When using the Sports Premium funding, schools must ensure impact against the following 5 Key Indicators:

Sporting Achievements

Next year we will use Creative Sport Coaching for our PE provision.  Staff continue these skills in the second lesson of the week thus maintaining their teaching skills.