SEND (Children with Special Needs & Disabilities)

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Children learn and develop in different ways. Teachers at Chalton Lower School understand this and will adapt their teaching in the classroom to cater for the various ways that different children learn. This means that most children will learn in the classroom without any additional support. However, sometimes children need additional support to access the curriculum for a variety of reasons and will therefore have a special educational need. Special educational needs arise for a number of reasons. It may be due to a disability which makes it harder for a child to use the same educational facilities that the school provides for the majority of children. For some children there may be a specific difficulty. For example, they may be having problems with reading, speech and language or behaviour. 

It is important that any needs are identified as early and in as much detail as possible, so that appropriate support can be put in place. Some children may join our school with needs already identified, whilst other needs may not become apparent until further into a child’s time with us. All children are carefully tracked, and their progress, attainment and wellbeing monitored. 

Special educational needs in school can be supported with additional provision. At Chalton Lower School this additional provision is formalised in an IEP (Individual Education Plan). This plan outlines the support and approaches which will be used with the child.

If this is required, staff at school will liaise with the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SEND Co) and parents to ensure appropriate provision is put in place and that all involved with the child are working together. If necessary the SEND Co will also complete referrals to specific agencies, for example Speech and Language therapy or Jigsaw Behaviour Support.

If you have any concerns about your child, please talk to their class teacher in the first instance. Our school SEND Co is Miss Natalie Bill. You can contact her in School on 01525 872354 or email:

Accessibility Policy

SEND Policy

SEND Code of Practice

Identification of SEND in School

Support, Advice and Resources