Our Ethos – Aims – Values

Our Vision

At Chalton Lower School we value the children’s happiness and emotional wellbeing above all else. We make education fun and work hard to create firm foundations for lifelong learning. Every day, we help the children to enjoy the present and anticipate the future with enthusiasm and confidence.


We do this by:

Chalton Lower School is committed to promoting racial equality and harmony. It expects everyone who is part of, or who visits this school, to support the commitment both in the way they act and in the words they use. The school’s Behaviour Management Policy sets out the expectations for both the staff and children in regard to standards of behaviour.


We aim to:

(The children wrote these ten statements.)


At Chalton Lower School we listen to the views of the children, and we do this through a variety of means including:

Values Based Education

At Chalton Lower School our school ethos is values driven with good values taught integrally to all that we do. We want the children to grow up valuing themselves, others and the environment. We teach the children a range of values which help them to work with one another cooperatively and with respect. They learn the importance of friendship and unity, we teach the children to approach life with positivity and hope, and to show empathy and acceptance towards others. These values make our school community a happy and fun place to be where the children feel secure and valued for who they are and what they contribute to the school.

Values Based Education Programme

Values are principles that guide behaviour. At Chalton Lower School all adults are encouraged to model values and to give time for reflective practices. We believe that this empowers the children to be effective learners and good citizens. The Values Based Education Programme is intended to support the personal, social, emotional and spiritual development of every child throughout the school. The staff team and all of the children are involved in promoting values and recognising where others are ‘living the values’ we teach. The values we teach have been selected by the staff and children as values which are important within our school community and which will be important throughout life.


Through the Values Education Programme we aim to:


To find out more about Valued Based Education please click here to visit the Values Based Education website: https://www.valuesbasededucation.com/vbe/what-is-vbe

Please take a look at our values schedule below to see what value we will be focusing on each half term.

Values Education