Parent Feedback – Remote Learning

We were absolutely thrilled to receive this email from one of our parents regarding our Remote Learning provision which was also sent to Osfted.
“As Gavin Williamson has asked parents to report schools providing poor remote learning to their students, I feel it’s only fair to report excellent support and provision too.
My son attends year 3 at Chalton Lower School in Chalton, LU4 and they have been superb. Excellent support and work provided – including a higher level provision so he’s not bored. His teacher has been in touch several times to check he’s doing well and has all needs addressed – including sending extra work focussing on his passion subjects (Maths and Science).
My daughter attends year 5 at Parkfields Middle School in Toddington, LU5 and her working day through Google Classroom has been nothing short of exemplary. A few changes to her “in school” timetable to streamline online lessons and she has a structured day with all lessons ably catered for. Again, her class teachers and pod teacher are easily contactable – as is her head of year five and staff assisting with IT support. Superb.
I commend them both and feel their efforts have ensured both children did not struggle with the sudden change to online learning (despite the incredibly short notice given to the schools) and they are not missing out on their education as they could so easily be, given the pandemic.”
Should you wish to send feedback to Ofsted, please do so by emailing: or by completing the form at: