Return to School 8th March 2021
Return to school arrangements
Arrangements for return to school Monday 8th March 2021
It is important that you read these, even if you are a key worker, as a few things will be changing. [Collection times and home arrangements, Optional Lateral Flow Tests for parents]
Start of School
You may drop your children off from 8.40 am. Parents are not allowed on the school site.
School begins at:
Diamonds 8.50 am
Year 1 and 2 – 8.55 am
Year 3 and 4 – 8.50 am
Please can the children arrive promptly for the start of lessons.
End of the day
Times are staggered to prevent mixing of parents as you should socially distance.
Diamonds – 3.15 pm
Year 1 / 2 – 3.20 pm
Year 3 / 4 – 3.25 pm
Please do not arrive before your pick up time so that we can try and clear one class before the next is due to leave.
Please wait on the opposite side of the road, not on the same side as the school, as this clogs the area.
If you do happen to be late, please wait until the end to collect your child.
Please do not park on the main road. There have been complaints from the neighbours regarding cars blocking their exits.
If you are parking in The Star car park, please remind the children they are not to run around the car park or on the grassed areas. Parents should not socialise after school.
Please can you speak to a member of staff if your child is going to be absent before 9.15 am. We have to report absence accurately and need to know the reason.
We will follow government guidelines and continue with the hand washing procedures that the children have followed since last March.
We will be providing hot meals for the Reception, Year 1 and 2 as per the universal free school meals. We will send out the menu for you to see.
Year 3 and 4 are able to order hot meals by informing Miss Mudd at register time.
The children are to come in their PE kits on Monday and Wednesdays.
What to bring to school
The children should bring water bottles, book bags [and lunch boxes].
Reading books
Reading books will be coming home. Please listen to your child read every day and sign the book. It is important that the children are reading at home as well as at school.
Spellings and tables work will resume again.
Lateral Flow Tests
Staff are all using these tests twice weekly.
Lateral Flow Tests for Parents [This is optional – click on underlined links]
From 1 March 2021, if you’re a member of a household, childcare bubble or support bubble of staff or a pupil you can get a twice-weekly test:
Take a test at a rapid lateral flow test site
You can take a rapid lateral flow test at a local site. Testing at these sites is assisted, which means you will swab yourself under the supervision of a trained operator.
You may need to book an appointment.
Find your nearest rapid lateral flow test site.
Collect test kits
You can collect up to 4 home test kits at a local collection point. Each kit contains 7 tests.
Anyone 18 or over can collect. You can check online if the location is busy before you go.
Find your nearest home test kit collection point.
Order home test kits online
If you cannot get tested at your workplace, or are unable to go to a test site or collect test kits, you can order a home test kit online.
Do not order online if you can get a test through other methods. This frees up home delivery for those who need it most.
Order rapid lateral flow home test kits
Test and Trace
This will still be in place and we do need to know if your child is having to self-isolate.
Remote Learning
Should your child have to self-isolate, we will send out the planning to you.